Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom

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Rush Interviews Dr. Arthur Laffer
Friday, January 21, 2022
RUSH: We welcome to our program Dr. Arthur Laffer, ladies and gentlemen, who has prepared a research paper on the Obama health care plan. I’ve admired your work, Dr. Laffer, ever since I first heard of you back in the late seventies, early eighties. It’s great to have you here.LAFFER: Well, thank you very much, Rush. It’s a pleasure.RUSH: By the way, I want to share something with you. You may not know this, but you are partially responsible for Obama becoming a community organizer, from chapter 7, page 54 of his book, Dreams from My Father: ‘There wasn’t much detail to the idea of communit...
The Establishment Thinks They Have Their Power Back — But They Know It’s Tenuous
Thursday, January 20, 2022
RUSH: Greetings to you, music lovers, thrill-seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. Man, oh, man. I have such a range of emotion flowing through my arteries and veins, going to my heart and away from my heart. I’m watching these people at the Biden inauguration. They think they got it all back. They think they finally have vanquished all of their opposition. And they haven’t the slightest idea.You can hear it in the words they’re saying to each other. You can hear it in the way they’re singing their songs. You can see it in the people that showed up for this inauguration ...
America Is Unhappy Because of the Epic Failures of Liberalism
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
RUSH: All right. So look at that headline right there: “Republicans and Democrats Clash Over Police Reform.” You know what this is about? This is about an actual piece of legislation that is being argued and debated in the United States Senate.And I did a double take because that’s not how laws are made in our country anymore. The Senate and House don’t actually do anything anymore ’cause they’re all afraid to. Our laws come from regulators, unelected bureaucrats and our judges, as has just been demonstrated by these Supreme Court decisions.Josh Hawley from Missouri got it exactly right whe...
The Left is in Tizzy Over the Supreme Court Ruling on the Voting Rights Act
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
RUSH: the Supreme Court rule today that states can no longer be judged by voting discrimination that went on decades ago. This is a decision that marks the end of a major civil rights-era reform, the Voting Rights Act. A 5-4 ruling, and it rewrites a key element of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which for 50 years has given the federal government unprecedented say in everything, from how states draw their congressional maps, to where they place polling locations. It was all rooted in the belief that southern states were highly discriminatory against blacks, not letting them vote, not lettin...
Democrats Use Ralph Northam’s Racism to Cover Up What He Said About Abortion
Monday, January 17, 2022
RUSH: (Northam impression) “I’ll tell you something else about old Ralph, Ralph Northam, Ralph Northam from Virginia. Ralph Northam, he doesn’t even think the Democrats really want him to quit. He thinks they’re just sayin’ it ’cause they have to. That’s what he thinks. He thinks they don’t really want him gone, and he thinks they don’t really want his lieutenant governor to sit in in the governor’s chair if they’re forcing him out. So he’s gonna hang on!“So he’s gonna hang on, ’cause ain’t no way ain’t no way some Amos ‘n’ Andy thing back in high school is gonna force him out when Donald T...
Democrats Demand You Wear a Symbol of Fear
Friday, January 14, 2022
RUSH: Oh, do you know what I heard right before the program started? This is another great illustration of a point that I’ve been making for I don’t know how long. A quarterback in the National Football League — and I didn’t see it. It was not videotaped so I don’t know who it was. But a current quarterback in the NFL actually said, “Look, I don’t want to get political, but I would like to get back to work.”Now, when the hell did going to work become political? Right now — right here, right now — and who has made this possible? Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, all these mask-wearing freaks...
Biden Trashes Hillary and Democrats
Thursday, January 13, 2022
RUSH: The Democrats now are admitting privately amongst themselves, they are admitting that they lost. Biden is out with a couple of doses of honesty that are going to be really challenging for his buds in the Democrat Party. Joe Biden in one story here says that he doesn’t think Hillary knew why she was running for president.“Vice President Biden believes Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election in part because she never figured why she was running for the nation’s highest office. ‘I don’t think she ever really figured it out,’ Biden told the Los Angeles Times in an interview publish...
Happy Birthday, El Rushbo! And It’s a Big One
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
RUSH: And greetings to you, music lovers, thrill-seekers, and conversationalists all across the fruited plain. I am back again here in the saddle at the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Three hours straight ahead. This is Friday, right? So let’s go.JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!RUSH: Righto. Now, I have it on good authority that you people were really ticked off yesterday. I mean, those of you that called. I got an email: “Man, your callers today are great.” I haven’t — (highly overrated staff interrupts and starts singing Happy Birthday) Oh, ye...
Clueless American Leaders Shocked by Putin’s Attempt to Reassemble Soviet Union
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
RUSH: We’re gonna get to the Ukraine business, it’s gonna be the focus here. That happens to be the soap opera story. Actually, it’s not the soap opera story. This is Putin running rings around us. There’s no question what’s going on here. Vladimir Putin’s reassembling the Soviet Union. And this is something — I’ve got the sound bite — I predicted this back in 2008. And all the smart money in Washington, inside the Beltway — we’ve got these sound bites, too — they’re shocked that Putin is trying to reassemble the Soviet Union. They can’t believe it.Even Lurch — this guy, John Kerry, is shoc...
I’ve Been Properly Credited for Coining the Term “Undocumented Democrats”
Monday, January 10, 2022
RUSH: The Weekly Standard has a piece in it that, very, very rarely has this ever happened to me. In fact, I can’t ever remember it happening. I’m sure it has, ’cause it’s been 27 years I’ve been doing this. The headline of this — and it’s not a hit piece. It’s not a criticism. The headline’s gonna mislead you. The headline is: “No, Ted Cruz Did Not Invent the Term ‘Undocumented Democrat.'”Apparently Senator Cruz has been running around, after this spat with Marco Rubio on immigration and amnesty and legalization, Cruz has been using the term “undocumented Democrat” instead of “illegal alie...
One Wrong Word… They Want to Make You Denounce Trump and the MAGA
Friday, January 7, 2022
RUSH: This is Rachel in Brooklyn. I’m glad you called, Rachel. How are you?CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for USA and we appreciate it and all the best to you. I’d like to tell you that I think President Trump has been a prince of a president, the best president the country ever, ever had. He never did anything criminal, never anything at all, and the other side has done all the criminal and illegal stuff, and it is unbelievable that they could get into all the courts illegally, change everything illegally, and he can’t go to court with his lawyers legally. Every do...
I Warned You About What We’re Living Through Today
Thursday, January 6, 2022
RUSH: Hey, folks, it’s great to be back. Really great to be back, and I need to ask you a favor. I need to you to give me a few minutes here just to get my sea legs. This has been a very, very bad couple of weeks for me. I don’t want to get into any more detail about it. Those of you have been through this know exactly what I’m talking about. But it has not been a break in the sense that it hasn’t been restful or relaxing or any kind of what people would call a vacation.But I wanted to get back, and here we are behind the Golden EIB Microphone, the Rush Limbaugh program where every show see...
Defining Deviancy Down in New York
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
RUSH: Here’s another think piece for you. From the Associated Press out of New York: “Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday proposed cutting the penalty for public possession of a small amount of marijuana, a change in state law that would defuse some criticism of the New York Police Department’s stop-and-frisk policy in minority communities. With three weeks remaining in the legislative session, Cuomo said his bill to reduce the criminal misdemeanor to a violation with a fine up to $100 would save thousands of New Yorkers, disproportionately black and Hispanic youths, from unnecessary arrests and cr...
Senate Dems Target Filibuster Rule
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
RUSH: Paula in Hartland, Wisconsin, I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program.CALLER: Rush, so cool to talk to you. Anyway, I’m gonna get right to my point like I was instructed. Rush, I had a thought doing some reading this morning. I understand that Harry Reid and some Democratic senators are gonna try to push through some changes in the filibuster rules. And as I got thinking about it, I said, ‘Man, I hope I can get Rush today because I need his input on this,’ and I’m thinking, ‘Well, the House is now Republican so it’s really not gonna matter as far as legislation goes,...
How Did You Come Up with the Dingy Harry Nickname, Rush?
Monday, January 3, 2022
RUSH: This is Keith in Atlanta. It’s great to have you, Keith. How are you doing, sir?CALLER: I’m great, Rush. Thanks for taking my call.RUSH: You bet.CALLER: I’ve been a listener since the early nineties and I’ve always been a fan of your nicknames. I think you and Trump have a unique talent for that. And one that I’ve always gotten a chuckle out of that I almost feel like it’s a private joke because I’m not sure that everybody gets it, is Dingy Harry. I’m pretty sure I know the origins of it, and I was wondering if you’d indulge me.RUSH: Sure. Harry Reid to me was dirty. This is a guy lyi...
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Friday, December 31, 2021 the Remco Caravelle to a Household Name in All Four Corners of the WorldDec 23, 2020RUSH: Greetings and welcome back, my friends. It’s great to have you here. This is Rush Limbaugh, the most-listened-to radio talk show in the country. You made it so. I have eternal, never-ending gratitude for all of you for so much. You have meant so much to me. You’ve meant so much to my family. You have meant so much to the happiness and joy that I have been able to experience. ...
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Thursday, December 30, 2021 a Week! I’m One of the Luckiest People AliveFeb 7, 2020RUSH: What a week. What an incredible week. I mean, from beginning to end. And it’s still going. And there is still winning that’s happening today. Just incredible. And I’m gonna tell you something, folks. One of the things I’m gratified about — you know, I don’t like to brag, and I don’t like to say, “notice me.” Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 Big Thank You to Chrissie HyndeFeb 18, 2020MUSIC: (My City Was Gone)RUSH: This song that you’re hearing is a looped version of the intro to a song by Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders called My City Was Gone. I’m calling attention to this because I haven’t talked about this song in many, many moons, and I don’t know how many of you know where the song is from. You so identify it with this program — understandably so, after 30-plus years. But this song is used with the permission of one of the most legendary fe...
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Tuesday, December 28, 2021 Trip Down Memory Lane Through Archival Sound BitesAug 1, 2018RUSH: Now, I said at the beginning, we don’t have a lot of audio from way back. We’ve done all that for the 10th anniversary, the 20th anniversary, and some for the 25th. But we do have some things here that I don’t think that we’ve aired — and if we have aired them, it’s been so long ago that I don’t even remember. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
How Your Host Hears Music with a Cochlear Implant
Monday, December 27, 2021
RUSH: Here is Vaughan in Columbiana, Ohio. Great to have you on Open Line Friday. Hi.CALLER: Good afternoon, Rush! How are you, sir?RUSH: I’m doing well. Thank you much.CALLER: Well, good. Mega dittos from a longtime listener since the early nineties. Hey, as I’m standing here lookin’ at the snow and contemplating the season, a question comes up that I could only ask you probably on Open Line Friday. So here goes. Back in the early or mid-nineties, you introduced your audience to Mannheim Steamroller, and I’ve amassed a collection of their Christmas music and just absolutely loved it. I’m a...
Merry Christmas, Everybody — I Love You All
Friday, December 24, 2021
RUSH: A yearly tradition. We wrap up with Mannheim Steamroller and Silent Night, and my ongoing attempts to thank everybody in the audience — all of you — for everything you mean to me. That last call. That reminds me how much I love all of you, how much I so appreciate everything you’ve meant to me and my family. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Thursday, December 23, 2021’ve Had a Year to Think About What’s ImportantDec 23, 2020RUSH: And greetings to you, music lovers, thrill-seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. It is great to have you here today. Great to be with you. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network, and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Studies of All Things That Matter. Telephone number, 800-282-2882 if you want to be on the program. We’re gonna do a version of Open Line Friday today, Mr. Snerdley. Learn more about your ad-choices at https:...
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Wednesday, December 22, 2021 Listener on How Rush’s Voice Connects Three GenerationsDec 22, 2020RUSH: Adam in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Hello.CALLER: Hello, Rush. Thank you so much for taking my call. Merry Christmas — and, sir, you are definitely family to me. No, it’s not Open Line Friday, but I need to tell you what I mean by family. I grew up a lifelong listener, thanks to my father, Jeffrey, and my grandfather, Monroe. We’ve always listened to you, and my grandfather was fortunate enough to ...
Rush Limbaugh - Timeless Wisdom
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 of 11: You’ve Made Mannheim Steamroller a Part of Our ChristmasDec 23, 2014RUSH: A little Mannheim Steamroller there. The tune is called Pat-a-Pan. I’ll tell you, you cannot go wrong if Christmas music is part of your holiday evening, late afternoon. Everybody has their standards and favorites. Mannheim Steamroller, it’s all instrumental. I have a bit of an emotional attachment to it. It happened to be some of the first Christmas music I, by happenstance, happened to be...
McCaskill, Manchin and Dems Running Scared
Tuesday, December 21, 2021, Manchin and Dems Running ScaredNov 2, 2018RUSH: “Nearly six in 10 Republicans say that things have changed so much they feel alienated; 42% of Democrats agree.” That’s a high number of Democrats. You know, there’s a story. I don’t know where it comes from. It was about the football game last night. Apparently… Who played? Did the Fort’inters play last night? It was Thursday Night Football. (interruption) Brian, who’d the Fort’inters play last night?Do you remember who it was? (interruption) Wh...
Chuck Barkley on Why Pro Athletes Deserve Early Vaccines
Friday, December 17, 2021
RUSH: Last Thursday night TNT Inside the NBA, they’re talking about the impact of COVID-19, the pandemic, on the NBA season. And here’s what Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith had to say about it.BARKLEY: Three hundred million shots. Give a thousand to some NBA players, NFL players, hockey players. Listen, as much taxes as these players paid — let me repeat that — as much taxes as these players paid, they deserve some preferential treatment.SMITH: For life and death?BARKLEY: Yes.SMITH: The amount of money you make doesn’t —BARKLEY: No, no. I said taxes.SMITH: The amount of money you make —BARK...
Elizabeth Warren Video: One of the Great Teaching Tools on Liberalism
Thursday, December 16, 2021
RUSH: Okay, now you people know, you are well aware one of the reasons you listen is I know liberals. I know them. I know them like every square inch of my gloriously naked body. Dealing with liberals is like dealing with a one-armed lunatic. They’re just gonna keep swinging. They’re gonna keep fighting no matter what you do. They never go away. And I know what they’re gonna do and why they’re gonna do it before they do it, and people marvel at this. We have an opportunity now because of the utterance of Elizabeth Warren, she’s running against Scott Brown for the United States Senate in Mas...
The 2nd Impeachment: Trump’s Popularity Still Scares Them to Death
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
RUSH: So I’m here (in a sporadic way) able to catch some of the Democrat impeachment filing against President Trump — and that he threatened the constitutional system, and the fact that he did this in the month of January is no reason to forget about it, that he threatened and almost destroyed the U.S. constitutional system.Now, all of that is an abject lie. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Sun Controls Our Climate
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
RUSH: We had a call and the caller chickened out, the caller hung up, the caller did not have the guts to ask the question directly. I get a one-line advisory about whatever the caller wants to talk about, and this guy wanted to know how can you square pollution with global warming or something. Snerdley said he said, ‘Well look, big fan of yours, listens to you all the time –‘ of course; who doesn’t? ‘– he’s got a problem with your stand on global warming. He lives in Boston. Since the 1900s –‘ how many cars did he say? Okay, 400% increase in what period of time? Not that it matters, but ...
It Only Took Five Minutes for Democrats to Politicize the Oklahoma Tornado
Monday, December 13, 2021
RUSH: It took five minutes. Five minutes. It only took five minutes before the Democrat Party politicized the tornado in Oklahoma. They politicize everything, folks. They rub their hands together in glee when there is a natural disaster that they think they can spin in such a way as to advance their political agenda. If any of you doubt that global warming is a political issue and not a science issue, then you must open your mind and consider why in the world, ask yourself, why in the world, five minutes after the news hits of this horrible destruction, a Democrat senator, Sheldon Whitehous...
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