Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/2/22
Mark Levin Show
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - 1 hour 53 minutes
On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Putin has a pack of ruthless hounds that boost his libido, and he criticizes those whose pets are not as manly as his. Some who've met him feel Putin's mad dog behavior is detached from reality and shows where his mental health is. Then, oil prices continue to rise but President Biden is too scared to react boldly and increase American oil while cutting off all Russian oil. Biden shows weakness instead of deterrence. Weakness isn't respected by authoritarians like Putin. Biden's rhetoric will not save a single Ukrainian life. Russia isn't losing anything by delaying their war, this is how they fight and they're doing what they do. Putin will not stop at Ukraine and will go after the Baltic states next. Afterward, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas calls in and explains that Biden has been favorable to Russia and detrimental to America since his first day in office when he put a stop to the Keystone XL pipeline. Cruz added that Biden halted the aide to Ukraine twice last year in an effort to negotiate with Putin.
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