Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/28/22
Mark Levin Show
Monday, February 28, 2022 - 1 hour 55 minutes
On Monday's Mark Levin Show, this program maintains its support for the Ukrainian people and President Zelensky will go down in history for staying and fighting with his countrymen. Hopefully, Putin will not resort to chemical weapons now that more countries have stepped up to send Ukraine some weapons. President Biden should have taken the lead early on, yet he continues to wait and just keeps announcing new sanctions that should have been in place already. Then, can a military operate on green energy? Of course not! Biden must stop sanctions on the American energy industry and start sanctioning the Russian energy industry. Tanks and other heavy artillery require fossil fuels and leaving Putin's oil and gas industry untouched allows him to continue his war. The United States can crush Russia's economy if Biden would actually take action on serious sanctions and arm the Ukrainian people. Later, Texas gubernatorial candidate and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West joins the show. West says that Zelensky is leading from the front, unlike Biden. He added that the Ukrainians have now shot down several Russian aircraft so their military should not be underestimated.
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