Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/24/22

    Mark Levin Show

    Thursday, February 24, 2022 - 1 hour 55 minutes

    On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Russia has declared war on American ally, Ukraine. While the U.S has a memorandum in place with Ukraine we have an obligation to protect Ukraine's neighbors who are NATO allies. It's deeply troubling and frustrating that the U.S is not pouring heavy weapons into Ukraine so that they can defend themselves while imposing seriously crippling sanctions on Russia. It's a perverted view of "'America First' to think that the America has provoked Russia or China into invading smaller countries. The greatest generation understood this. Yet, commentators who are obsessed with pacifism and isolationism who don't care about Ukraine ignore the risk of another world war; they are modern-day Tokyo Rose's providing aid and comfort to Russia. Then, Peter Pry joins the show to discuss the threat of Russia attacking America's electrical grid. Pry says that the Department of Energy and politicians of every stripe have corrupt relationships that prevent them from taking action to safeguard our electrical systems. Biden's focus has been on solar and wind energy which ultimately de-stabilizes the grid by closing coal plants and adding electric cars. Later, Sen. Tom Cotton weighs in on Russia's invasion of Ukraine pointing out that Putin made it clear in his essay that their goal is to restore the Russian empire which includes, Belarus, Ukraine, and other neighbors. Cotton added that Biden needs to bolster domestic energy to combat Russia's gains in that sector. Afterward, Congressman Mo Brooks calls in to discuss how principled conservatives are being targeted by RINO candidates pushed by Sen. Mitch McConnell in his race for the Senate in Alabama. Brooks added that the southern border must be secured and the cost to taxpayers is a huge burden.

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