Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/11/22

    Mark Levin Show

    Friday, February 11, 2022 - 1 hour 54 minutes

    On Friday's Mark Levin Show, China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia are not our friends despite what the Russis-philes in both political parties, on radio, and on television say. President Biden capitulated to Iran agreeing to their nuclear deal, and after being tested by Iran he's bent over backward to accommodate Putin as well. Biden has the power to destroy the Russian economy and the Chinese economy but has chosen to destroy the U.S economy instead. The U.S needs to take an offensive posture to the east of Russia in all NATO allied nations to send the right message, but will we deal with Putin or whine about forever-wars? It's now been reported that Americans are being held by the Taliban. History will judge us accordingly. Then, America is in a fight with the perversion of the left to redefine, and in effect destroy, our founding documents, our history, and our country as we've known it. The laws of economics don't apply to Biden, and he's turned a blind eye to inflation, immigration, fentanyl, and American energy independence. Later, the Canadian government can end the trucker's protest by simply ending the vaccine mandate, the pandemic has dissipated greatly. Even though these truckers were hailed as hero essential workers at the height of the pandemic delivering food and supplies while everyone was locked down at home they are now being mistreated. Even though they spend most of their day alone in the cab of their truck, the Canadian government is doubling down on the vaccine requirement. Afterward, Mitt Romney and the left are fascinated with Maggie Haberman's book and the fictitious story of flushing documents. Former President Trump has clarified that this never happened.

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